Why your conversion rate still isn't where you want (and how to get it there)

If you’re in business online, your site is your everything. It’s an advertisement, a display case for your products, a support center and may even be a cash register—all at the same time.

There’s a good chance you’ve spent many, many hours working to make sure every aspect is perfect, from the layout of the home page to the size and location of your CTAs. You may have even paid for a badge that let’s visitors know you have a valid SSL certificate, or your practices are approved by the Better Business Bureau.

So why is your conversion rate so far from where you want it?

Got the conversion blues again

There’s something else going on that you probably haven’t considered, but is still holding down your conversion rate. Whether your conversion metric is sales or signups, your visitors probably have security concerns about your site. They wonder, “Will my credit info be in good hands,” or “Will clicking this link give my computer malware?”

More specifically, they’ll have these concerns when you ask them to convert. It makes sense—the bigger the ask, the more questions, doubts, and worries people will have.

And that’s why it’s so important to address these concerns—because they’re holding down your conversation rate right at the proverbial finish line.

Ease concerns where it counts

That’s why McAfee SECURE certified sites display the engagement trustmark. Unlike the badges you may or may not already be using, the engagement trustmark is designed to go right where you ask visitors to convert.

We recommend putting the engagement trustmark near product pages, signup forms, download buttons, calls to action, and especially credit card forms. It makes people more likely to convert because people know their information is secure. Plus, we’ve made the size customizable, so you can fit it perfectly with your site’s design.

Be a part of the SECURE web

The engagement trustmark is only available to McAfee SECURE certified sites. These are websites that market their security (the engagement trustmark is just one piece of the puzzle) to increase conversions. To become a McAfee SECURE certified site, or to learn more about the SECURE web, visit our main site.